About mediation
The advantage of mediation is that it allows room for emotions in a neutral place, for the parties to explain their situation, thoughts and needs to each other, and to get to know and understand better what the other party feels, thinks and needs.
Mediation is a cost-effective solution for dealing with conflicts, since, unlike years of litigation, the parties reach an agreement quickly, within a few sessions. The process is personal and informal, allowing for flexibility. The mediator handles the case with complete confidentiality.
The mediator is not impartial, but is on the side of all parties. They do not advise, judge or decide, but rather help the parties to pay attention to each other within a safe framework, to change their communication and negotiation style, and thereby jointly strive to reach mutually acceptable decisions by discussing problematic issues. Mediation provides an opportunity to rebuild the trust that may have been lost and to improve the relationship for further solution-oriented, cultured cooperation.