Laura Schmidt
In 2016, I graduated from the University of York with a bachelor's degree in psychology, and in 2018 I completed a master's degree in applied forensic psychology.
I worked for a company called Remedi in North Yorkshire, England, as a restorative justice facilitator. I facilitated communication between victims and perpetrators, after the commission of various crimes.
Since September 2019, I have been a PhD student at the Doctoral School of Law Enforcement at the University of Public Service, and since February 2021, I have also been an associate researcher of the Europe Strategy Research Institute (EUSTRAT) of the Eötvös József Research Center.
My main research areas include restorative justice and victim protection.
I completed the basic and advanced mediator training of Dr. Fellegi and Winkler in 2020, my main areas are the management of conflicts and problematic situations within relationships, families and communities.

Dr. Gabriella Dóczi-Vámos
I got to know the restorative approach at the Zöld Kakas High School, where I worked as an English teacher and mentor, then later became a facilitator and then a mediator. For me, mediation and the restorative approach is a way of thinking in everyday life, it taught me that conflict is not a problem, it is not scary, but a situation that can be solved if we want to solve it.
I work as a mediator, facilitator and pedagogic expert, my main areas are the management of conflicts and bullying within communities and the mediation of relationships and families. I obtained a PhD in education in 2017, in my research I examined the relationship between school aggression, violence, bullying and the inner world of the school, in 2015 I became a restorative facilitator (Közösségi Szolgáltatások Alapítványa training) and in 2020 a mediator (Dr. Fellegi and Winkler training).
I strive to make the clients and communities that come to us feel safe and open up to each other and solve their problems in a way that is acceptable to them.
Registered mediator by the Ministry of Justice. Mediator license number: T/003501.